I searched for over an hour through the flocks, but could not find anything out of the norm. Hoping for some gull flocks, I began to work the parking lots at Jones Beach. First starting with West End II, which was a bust. Then, I headed out to field 6 where I picked up my first of 4 Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) of the day.
Yet again the Chat Gods smiled on me, this was my 4th Chat of the year. Yes, there is a Chat in this photo, you just have to look hard. Not happy with that look? Then check out this photo taken in my back yard. I swear it is not a "Cowbird".
At Tobay Beach, I found an additional 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls in the parking lot all adults (this photo shows 2 out of the 3 with a Great Black-backed Gull in the background). Later on at Robert Moses, I found a Clay-colored Sparrow near the Volley Ball courts, which give me a nice look, but did not stay up long enough for a photograph. It was not a bird filled day, but still an enjoyable one trying to find birds in the storm.
Great shot of the Sharp-shinned!
Yeah, that Sharpie's a winner.
Super Sharp Shinned shot!
Thanks Steve, it is actually a Cooper's Hawk. I should have paid more attention to the streaking.
Opposable - more like that Cooper's a winner.
Hi Cindy, this was a Cooper's Hawk. But thanks anyway.
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