I have been asked by some of my readers about my backyard/garden posts. Well, here is one for October. This post covers
some of the birds that I have seen and taken photographs of throughout the Month of October in the garden. This is usually an exciting time for me as migration has in the past brought interesting visitors to the garden. Species like,
Pine Siskins,
Yellow-breasted Chats,
Fox Sparrows have all been seen and photographed - I even had an
Eastern Meadow Lark. Keep checking back because you never know what I might find. Enjoy the photos.

Yellow-rumped Warbler.

White-throated Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow Tags:
Backyard Birding,
White-crowned Sparrow
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Loving your backyard birds! And can't tell you how much I appreciate you advising me on the Juvie White Crowned Sparrow earlier this week. I see them all the time and now I know how to recognize them! I am learning a LOT from you and just wanted to say THANKS!
great post and photos - i usually have a few white throated and pine siskins, here's hoping for a meadowlark myself :)
All of the White-throated Sparrows in my photos are peeking through the grass or behind branches!
Great to have a "backyard" like that. Tanks for sharing the bird pics!
@Kerri - Hi Kerri, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. You are most welcome - we learn a lot from each other. I am learning as much as you do :)
@Forestal Hi Dan, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. The Meadowlark was a shocker and I don't know about a repeat anytime soon. That could have been a one time deal and only because of migration. I would love to see it happen again and I get better views and photos. I hope you get yours too :)
@Lynne - Hi Lynnne, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. WT Sparrows can be like that. But, I have good news. I was able to get better photos of White-throated at the feeder, which I will publish soon.
@dreamfalcon - Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. The backyard was and still is an ongoing project. I enjoy my moments in the garden. So far I have attracted over 80 species of birds in the garden. Will I ever crack a hundred, we shall see.
Great shots. I was excited to start seeing the white-throated sparrows again in the last week or two down here in DC.
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