Considered the harbingers of Spring, the sounds of Red-winged Blackbirds are permeating in the garden. I counted as many as, 14 around the feeders and accompanying them were several Brown-head Cowbirds.

The usual Winter species continue to show, with a nice addition of another Red-bellied Woodpecker seen around the suet feeder. Unfortunately, I unable to determine if it was another female or a male, as the resident female drove the intruder off. Also seen in large numbers in and around the garden were, Boat-tailed Grackles. The accipiters continue to hunt in the backyard; I have seen both the Male Sharp-shinned and Female Cooper's Hawks recently and they both looked in good shape. With the weather being decent over the past weeks, it may that an Early Spring is in order and if correct, then maybe I should start to get some yard work done sooner rather than later.
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