Over the past few days, I have posted several photos of
Piping Plovers (
Charadrius melodus) and with good reason. The photo posted on May 24th, was of a
Bahamas-banded Piping Plover seen on Sunday May 22nd. This was my third
Bahamas-banded Piping Plover all seen and photographed at
Breezy Point Queens County. The other two, were seen and photographed last year. According to records this bird was reported at Breezy point last year where it fledged two chicks. Dr. Cheri L. Gravatto-Trevor who is involved in the research on these banded Plovers, reported that this bird was banded Feb 2010 at
South Blanket Sound Flats, North Andros Island, Bahamas. It was seen back in the Bahamas in the same area last Nov and Feb, then on 15-16 Mar 2011 at
Lea-Hutaff Island, Pender Co., NC during spring migration.
When I photographed this bird on Sunday, it was seen with 3 chicks, which means that she has successfully bred. I am hoping that they survive and she raises another brood. No sign of the other 2 banded birds that I photographed last year at Breezy Point, but I have received word that one was seen in the Rockaway Beach area, which I have yet to confirm. On Sunday, I counted at least 18
Piping Plovers and betting there were more that I did not see. Here are some more photos of the banded Piping Plover with her companion and chicks.
Breezy Point Queens,
Piping Plover
...these babies have to be some of the cutest bird babies around! I love them...
Great photos--see the bands clearly. Piping plovers are quite beautiful.
Darling birds!! Super darling little chicks :-}
That is the cutest chickie!
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