However, on Monday April 26th, I got a phone call from birder Shane Blodgett, who relayed that he had found a White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi)at the Refuge. Unfortunately, I could not get out right then to get the bird and so I waited until yesterday, Wednesday April 28th. It took some amount of searching, but I finally found the bird way out in the Marsh. I patiently observed the bird for well over an hour and was rewarded with one decent photograph as the White-faced Ibis came in on the West Pond mudflats after it was flushed out of the marsh by a Northern Harrier.
The flock of Glossy Ibis' that was with the White-faced Ibis were very skittish and I only got off 2 digiscoping shots before they took flight. I felt very lucky to have gotten the looks that I did of this bird and silently thanked the Northern Harrier for the flush. According to NYSARC records, this would make the 8th record in Queens if it is accepted.
1 comment:
Loving the lift0off picture, even if it's not as good a look at the bird as the first one. Congratulations on getting this one for your list.
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