White-rumped Sandpiper |
The East Pond at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens NY, did not host very many shorebirds today with the numbers even smaller than yesterday. Shorebird Highlights included the continuing
1 RED KNOT, a few
STILT SANDPIPERS still hanging in, a lone
PECTORAL SANDPIPER (a scarce bird for the East Pond this year) and 3
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS. Other highlights include seeing and chatting with photographers Lloyd Spitalnik and Harry Mass. The last time I saw these two in the field was at Cupsogue LI on the day Andy Guthrie and I had that spectacular outing with
Elegant Tern, Hybrid Calidrid (Dunlin X White-rumped Sandpiper), Siberian form of Common Tern (S. h. longipennis) and the continuing Red-necked Stint. Nothing like that today, but their presence brought back memories of that day!
We should see more juvenile birds in the next week or so, but besides that I am still holding out for one big day with thousands of birds again on the pond and maybe get a GODWIT or PHALAROPE in the mix
(notice no mention of Stints or other rarities but I am looking).
Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper |
Today's count is listed below:
Black-bellied Plove: 270
Semipalmated Plover: 160
Killdeer: 1
American Avocet:
Spotted Sandpiper:1
Greater Yellowlegs: 15
Lesser Yellowlegs: 12
Ruddy Turnstone: 7
Red Knot:1
Semipalmated Sandpiper: 50
Least Sandpiper: 10
White-rumped Sandpiper: 3
Pectoral Sandpiper: 1
Stilt Sandpiper: 4
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge,
Jamaica Bay,
American Avocet
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