I visited Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge today and walked the North and South gardens as well as visited the South End of the East Pond. The pickings were not good at all and I ended up with a rather meager list of sightings. They included Great Crested Flycatcher, Red-eyed Vireos, American Redstarts, Catbirds, House Finch, Magnolia Warbler, Greater Yellow Legs, Lesser Yellow Legs, Mute Swan, Double Breasted Cormorant, Osprey, Black Crowned Night Heron, Semi Palmated Sandpipers, Blue Winged Teals, Green Winged Teals, Northern Shovelers, Great Blue Heron and Red winged blackbirds.
I ran into a fellow birder today who indicated that an Eagle was sighted on the North End of the East Pond sometime last week. Now that is an unusual sighting at the Refuge, but not strange. I wish I had seen that majestic bird. Oh well, we have a storm watch for Tuesday and perhaps I may be lucky to see something special in the aftermath...we shall see. Here are a couple of photos from today's walk.

This Cedar Waxwing poses as a general or lord over his domain.

I was lucky to get this photo that captures the contrast between a Greater Yellow and a Lesser Yellow Legs.
Great picture!
Thanks, I appreciate the kind words.
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