Last night, I reported two banded
Ring-billed Gulls to the
banding station in Quebec Canada where there is an ongoing research program on the ecology of Ring-billed Gulls. Both birds were documented on Sunday 2-15-15, while studying gulls in Brooklyn and Queens NY. This morning, I received word from Professor Jean - Francois Giroux who sent me information about both birds, which were both banded in Quebec, Canada.
Banded Ring-Billed Gull B1XK (B = Blue the band color)
Banded Ring-Billed Gull BMJM (B = Blue the band color) |
This banding program, is a joint effort conducted by researchers from the University of Quebec in Montreal CA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Massachusetts DCR as part of a study on the dynamics and movement of Ring-billed Gulls in NA.
My sighting of
B1XK, is the 2nd US entry in the summarized history of this bird and gives us an idea on how these birds move seasonally. My report of
BMJM, is the 1st US entry in the summarized history with the other 3 reports all coming from Quebec Canada. Keep an eye out for these and any other banded RBGUs, your observation could be the next entry. Our reports of banded birds such as these Ring-billed Gulls are invaluable data to the researchers.
Ring-billed Gull,