Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Whimbrel galore and the not so near Temminck Stint...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Jamaica Bay BioBlitz 2009 despite the bloodletting at Floyd Bennett Field Brooklyn NY...

I put off a day of birding in the field to volunteer my time on Saturday at the Jamaica Bay BioBlitz that was held at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn NY. This event, was concentrated around the Floyd Bennett area only and when I was asked to participate, I agreed to do the birding part of it. Somehow, I worked birding in...nice don't you think?
I arrived for my shift which began from 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM and joined four others - later we were joined by another participant. Together we headed out to the North Forty trail. The moment we hit that trail, we were ambushed by hordes of mosquitoes and those of us who had not applied repellent were left scrambling to get some sort of protection. These mosquitoes were hungry and they were relentless in their attacks; in the beginning some folks were just covered with the buggers as they attempted to penetrate clothing too. It was so bad, some ended up with welts the kind you see after a paintball game. Nevertheless, the group weathered the assault and we covered our area without any losses.

The birding was slow with not much around; nevertheless, we birded on, covering our area until it was felt we had given enough blood and settled for 42 species, with the highlights being 4 Solitary Sandpipers and a female Scarlet Tanager.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Northern Wheatear in Stratford Connecticut...

I was not planning on going for the Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) in Connecticut until I found out the directions late Saturday night. Subsequently, I packed my gear and prepared for an early morning run the next day. The next day could not not arrive quick enough as I was wired for the run. After sucking down a light breakfast, I was on my way. The directions were spot on and I arrived around 8:50 AM at the Igor Sikorsky Airport. By 9:00 AM, I had my first looks of the bird. I stuck around until 11:30 AM, enjoying the looks, taking field notes and capturing several photos.
The Northern Wheatear or Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae, but is now more generally considered to be an Old World flycatcher, Muscicapidae. It is the most widespread member of the wheatear genus Oenanthe in Europe and Asia.
This species breeds in Alaska and remote parts of northern Canada. Without traveling north the best chance of seeing this bird is in the northeastern United States from late-September through mid-October. I consider myself lucky to get this bird here...enjoy the photos.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sora and bloggers at Jamaica Bay East Pond...

A planned trip to Delaware was put on hold for the weekend and so I ended up visiting the East Pond at Jamaica Bay on August 22nd for a quick spell of birding before it was off to work on a friend's computer...UGH (what was I thinking)! Initially, I thought I had gotten there early, before anyone else; however, as I walked out on the North End of the East Pond, I saw birder Peter Chen and his two kids already on the mudflats. When I caught up to Peter, he keyed me on a Sora (Porzana carolina), along the edge of the phragmites. It was a pleasant surprise to see this elusive bird feeding oblivious to our presence.

After looking at the Sora for a few minutes, we were joined by several groups of birders. Despite the crowd the Sora stuck around and we were able to pass the word out; I believe most people that arrived around that time saw the bird. Among the groups were a number of birders/bloggers that were out on a Jamaica Bay walk. The only one from the blogging group I knew was Corey Finger who I have birded with. Eventually, I did get to meet a few of the bloggers/tweeters including, Christopher from Picus Blog, Ann Marie also known by her twitter handle as iheartwarblers, Beverly Robertson from Behind the Bins and Catherine Hamilton from mydogoscar. Since, I knew Beverly Robertson had expressed her desire to land an American Golden Plover, I tried hard to find the one that was seen there a few days ago. Alas, it was not to be a Golden Plover day for Beverly as it appeared that the bird was no longer around. By then, it was time to leave and so I reluctantly left Jamaica Bay, but not before getting a few photos, including one that captured a visitor who got stuck in the mud around the dreaded cove. My hats off to Christopher from Picus Blog, who was a total gentleman in being the only one who ventured out into the mud to help, while other birders walked right by her. They, no doubt fearing their own demise if they stopped to help. Luckily, with Christoper's help she made it out of the muck. Of course, I did nothing to help either; instead, I seized my chance to get a few photographs of the moment.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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