Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Today's Photo - Spoonbill Sandpiper China 2014...

My dear faithful readers, instead of "Wordless Wednesday", I chose instead to post a teaser image of one of the many great birds that I was lucky enough to see in almost 2 months spent in China. During my visit, I banded shorebirds and participated in Spoonbill Sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus) research. This digiscoped image, is one of the many Spoonbill Sandpipers that I was lucky to see. The plumage of this bird is a code 7, which is considered to be beyond 75% towards full breeding plumage. I will have many more images and stories to tell of my journey to the East, which included lots of traveling and hard work. Thank you all for keeping the faith in checking the blog for updates. Lots more to come!

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  1. Can't wait to hear your stories, Andrew. Welcome back to civilization.

  2. Was wondering where you disappeared to...glad you're back and can't wait to hear all the details!

  3. Welcome back! The Wordless Wednesday photo was nice and all, but I'm ready to see something else at the top of the page when I stop by...
