Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Bronx NY Christmas Bird Count 2012...

I had a great time again birding in one of my favorite counties and contributing to the annual Christmas Bird Count in the Bronx.  I assisted to cover the East Bronx and was in a team consisting of Eric Miller, Jean Loscalzo and George Dadone.  We made an excellent group, who were up to the task of bushwhacking, climbing fences, navigating streams and climbing walls in an effort to dig up as many birds as possible.  It was an exhaustive day, but we all had a good time of it and no one complained.  We ended up with an excellent run of birds including 4 species of Owls and 3 species of Warblers.  One of the warbler specie, Prairie Warbler, was a second count record in the 89 year history. 

Other highlights of the count included a couple of new birds for the count - the continuing Barnacle Goose at Van Cortlandt Park, a reported Magnolia Warbler was photographed in Wave Hill (I have not seen the photos) and two Clay-colored Sparrows, 1 at Pelham Bay and the other at Rye Playland.  In total the count tallied 126 species, which tied for the all time high.  I was lucky to obtain some photos of the great birds my team found - see below.

1 of 2 Hermit Thrushes we found.

Common Redpoll - we had a total of 10

White-winged Crossbill, we had a total of 26 which was a conservative count.

Orange-crowned Warbler

Western sub species of Palm Warbler.

Prairie Warbler, only the 2nd record in the 89 year history of the count.

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  1. Wow.. lovely images, thanks for sharing them.


  2. Hey Bird Dude,

    I just happened upon your blog earlier today. I've really been enjoying your photos and the dynamite photography--that Le Conte's Sparrow is stunning-- really great stuff.

    I'm looking forward to following your blog and all the New York bird goings-on.

    I've only be to the state once before, and I was fortunate to bird in the Montezuma Wildlife Refuge in 2002 or 2003. Saw lifer Cerulean Warblers and Rose-breasted Grosbeak, one of the best birding days ever.

