Monday, July 2, 2012

Today's Photo - Ruff...

This is just one image of a Ruff that Heydi Lopes and I found at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge on July 1st 2012 on the East Pond.  More images to come...

Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Queens NY

Here are some additional photos of yesterday's Ruff find at Jamaica Bay. I will post more when I put together my blog post.

Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Queens NY

Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Queens NY


  1. Cool sighting of the Ruff, great photo. Happy Birding!

  2. I wonder if this is the same bird that was spotted a week ago in Seneca. From photos it certainly looks similar--same amount of molt, etc.

  3. Thanks for getting the word out Andrew--

    Anne, Kathy and I braved the mud and heat

    and saw the lovely bird!

    Appreciated your info last night and the beautiful

    pictures today!


    Dale Dancis

  4. Always look forward to your great shore bird photos - kinda hard to find in these parts:)

  5. @ Dale - Glad "the girls" as Anne referred to the gang :) got to see the bird.

    I changed up my schedule this afternoon after reading Sy Shiff's post about not seeing the bird after 1 hour. I knew there were people driving in to look for the bird and I wanted to make sure it was still around.

    It was there when I left around 6:30 p.m. leaving a few birders observing it near the North Island on the East Pond.

  6. @Cynthia - thanks Cynthia, for the kind comments.

  7. @ Joshua - we did discuss the possibility of this bird being the Montezuma bird. However, one birder who was present with us on the East Pond had photos of the Montezuma bird with him and indicated that the this bird had more black, so at this point it appears to be a different bird. Unless someone else presents overwhelming evidence to prove otherwise.

  8. @ Eileeninmd - thank you Eileen for being such a faithful reader and all the nice comments you leave for me.

  9. Thanks for the report and photos for those of us who couldn't get out to JBNWR this weekend.

  10. The photos are great. Thanks for the updates!

  11. thank you for the reports and these great pictures. I'm enjoying them from afar.
