Monday, June 13, 2011

Any day with a Kentucky Warbler is a good day...

Following my walk on Saturday at Van Courtlandt Park in the Bronx NY, I decided that I would head out to Rockefeller State Park in Westchester. I was hoping to hear or see the reported Kentucky Warblers that were reported around the Ash Tree Loop area. I invited those who showed up at the Van Courtlandt Park walk, to come out for this bird since it is a specialty, but no one took me up on the offer due to other commitment or lack of motivation. Well, they may rue their decision as I was able to get fantastic views of 1 Kentucky Warbler (Oporornis formosus) in the same area as aforementioned.

My first glimpse of the bird was via some good spotting by Erik Miller from the Queens County Bird Club who I ran into with Jeff Ritter and another birder. They were at the location for some time and had seen the bird. When I first saw the bird, it was partially hidden by leaves, so I decided to stick around in hopes of getting better views. The bird sang intermittently but did not show itself well until after about 2 hours; a Yellow Warbler caused it to venture forth to defend is territory?  It came out into the open providing outstanding looks. I had really, really great views of it singing and chasing other birds away from its territory. I assisted two other birders to get on the bird and then left the area, happy that I had satisfying views – way better than one I briefly saw at Jamaica Bay earlier in the season. It was the proper way to end a good day in the field! Here are some photos.

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  1. A good day indeed. Great post and photos Andrew!

  2. Lovely photos of a lovely bird! The people who stayed behind and didn't see this beauty really missed out!

  3. @MaineBirder - thank you, i appreciate the nice comment.

  4. @Linda Rockwell - Hi Linda, indeed they will rue their chances if they read this post. Especially, since I am almost sure it would have been a life bird for them all.

    Oh well, we must have our priorities in order ;)

  5. Awesome post! Fabulous find and terrific images!

  6. Fine YES, ok, I RUE IT!! Jeez. But as much as I love birds, they will not bring me soup when I am sick one day. So prior commitments with friends won out. For what it's worth, I told all of them that I might be birding ALL DAY THIS SATURDAY on the off chance that you are again are called away to find track down some awesome bird.

  7. Great bird and a wonderful sighting. I would love to add this bird to my list.

  8. @Julie G. - Thanks for being such a loyal follower with always such nice comments.

  9. @Hilary - You should also tell your friends that your commitment to friendship cost you a "Kentucky Warbler" ;)

  10. @eileeninmd - Thanks Eileen, this is not an easy one to get in our neck of the woods, so I am truly grateful for the looks and to get photos as well.
