Friday, April 29, 2011

Today's Photo - Wood Thrush...

Today's photo feature the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina), a bird best known for its melodious song. It is a Medium thrush, with rust-brown upperparts and white underparts that is heavily spotted. A bird that is considered common, but seldom seen outside the deep woods.  Today, I sat in the woods listening to the sounds of the Wood Thrushes around me and was rewarded with this photo.



  1. These are such cute birds! We're suppose to have them in Kansas...I'll continue to look. Fantastic shot!

  2. They are not easy to photograph because they are constantly on the move.

    When singing, usually I find them up high, which again poses a problem for photography. I was happy I got this shot :)

  3. Great bird and I love listening to them. Great photo!

  4. Love this shot. Almost as good as actually being there.

  5. @Eileen, Sharon, Maine Birder and John - thank you for the very nice comment on the Wood Thrush. I waited patiently for this bird to give me an open shot and took what I could get :)
