Thursday, November 25, 2010

When the birding gets tough, you go er...Waterfowling???

Digiscoped Eurasian Wigeon.
Last Sunday, a quest for Crossbills out at Jones Beach quickly ran out of steam, so I ended up joining birders, Seth Asubel, Stella Miller and Corey Finger of 10000birds for a day of looking for Water Fowls on Long Island.  That too in itself was quite slow, but after checking several locations we did manage to scrape up a decent number of Water Fowl species. Our best bird was a Eurasian Wigeon found at Patchogue Lake LI.  The other notable find was a female Common Goldeneye also at Patchogue.

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1 comment:

  1. You always seem to find the birds! You are Dude of the Birds!
