Sunday, November 28, 2010

Success, Success, Success - Twitching the Varied Thrush in Central Park...

Varied Thrush in Central Park
I was at Jones Beach studying Gulls with a few birders among them my friend, Doug Futuyma, when the call came in about a Northern Lapwing found in Connecticut. The call was from Mardi Dickinson (remember her? she provided constant updates on the Fork-tailed Flycatcher in Stamford CT), who was kind enough to let me know about this great find (Is Connecticut rocking or what?). I immediately began contemplating the run and started making phone calls to a few people I knew who might be interested in making the run. While doing that, I got another message, this time about a Varied Thrush being seen at the Maintenance Meadow in Central Park. The bird was found by Mike Bryant and Ray Slyper around 9:00 a.m. Now here was a fine dilemma - two good birds, which one to chase? I kept thinking "the Northern Lapwing" is a shorebird, which means you must twitch for it. On the other hand I also thought of "a bird in the hand", the Varied Thrush was closer. Both would be lifers, but the Varied Thrush was also going to be a State bird. Doug's phone call to our friend, Lloyd Spitalnik who confirmed the bird was being seen sealed the deal. It was going to be the Varied Thrush.

Doug and I decided on one car and our friend Patricia Lindsay, who I had called about the bird decided to join us. It was a quick ride, nabbing the all elusive Manhattan parking spot and then the walk towards Maintenance Meadow. When we arrived at the location, there were just a few birders around, including Brooklyn birder, Rob Bate. We joined the vigil and staked out the location. The first time the bird showed, only a few of us got on it. It disappeared for a while then reappeared again, landing in a tree giving, good looks. We were ecstatic!  So much so, that we all turned to each other and said, "Success, Success, Success".  It was like a scene right out of the, "Three Stooges", and we all had a good chuckle at our exuberance.  The lighting was not the best for photography, but I snapped a few. Now, if that Northern Lapwing could only hang in there...

Varied Thrush at Maintenance Meadow Central Park NY.

Varied Thrush at Maintenance Meadow Central Park NY.

Varied Thrush at Maintenance Meadow Central Park NY.
Varied Thrush at Maintenance Meadow Central Park NY.

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  1. Sorry to miss you. Was having lunch at the Boathouse and when I came back I heard you and the gang had been there. Really glad you got to see the thrush.

  2. Thanks Lloyd. We really appreciated your update on the status of the bird :)

  3. You asked me to send you one! ;-)

  4. @YsMum - Ha Robbie, you crossed my mind yesterday as I thought of our conversation. Hope you are still enjoying all of your Varied Thrushes across the border. Oh and thank you for sending me one :)

  5. I had a varied thrush at my feeder in Northern ct Today. see my blog for pictures
