Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Backyard Birding Queens NYC...

October, is but a memory and what a wonderful one it was for backyard birding. As November begins, the days get cooler and the birds are even more dependent on yard feeders. It requires dedication to keep the feeders and bird baths clean and refilled, but the reward I get for seeing my feathered friends up close and personal is priceless. Here is a look back at of some of the notable birds that showed up in October.  I hope you are seeing some great birds as well.

Blackpoll Warbler on Viburnum Shrub.

A 1st For The Backyard - Red-breasted Nuthatch At The Birdbath

Cooper's Hawk

Downy Woodpecker At The Feeders

Male Purple Finch and American Goldfinch At The Feeders.

Hermit Thrush

Pine Siskin

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  1. The number of birds you get is amazing.. :) Lovely images...

  2. Hi Angad - Thank You! I feel extremely lucky and very blessed. Hopefully, November bring in even more birds :)

  3. @Dawn Thank you. Hopefully, I will have more photos to show :)
