Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Birding the Delmarva Peninsula area Day I...

Purple Martin

On May 26th, I joined my friends Shai Mitra, Patricia Lindsay and Gerta Fritz on a birding expedition around the Delmarva Peninsula. This area is made up Delaware, portions of Maryland and Virginia and is considered a premier location for birding. The plan was to bird in the area and meet up with another friend Andy Balldeli. Our first day saw us birding at Bombay Hook, in Delaware. There we cooked in the sweltering heat while constantly swatting bugs, but it was well worth it with really nice looks at many birds. Our highlights were Purple Martins around the visitor's center, breeding plumaged American Avocets, Black-necked Stilts, Blue Grosbeaks and many Northern Bobwhites. Our birding day was short due to our long trek up from NYC. So, after the Bombay Hook auto loop, it was dinner and planning for the next day, which you will read all about when I post the report for Day II.

Male Blue Grosbeak

Black-necked Stilt

American Avocets

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