Thursday, July 9, 2009

Seining and Birding...

Keeping Egor happy for that one spectacular photograph has become somewhat of an obsession for my friend Don. In order to keep this Egret around, Don has been catering to his/her Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack needs by providing Silverside Fish. Of course, after a while this starts to take a toll on the wallet and so in line with the economic conditions, we have resorted to seining for fish whenever we get the chance. Yesterday, we did a late afternoon seine at one of our favorite sites; however, the return was slim as we got many that were too small and had to throw them back. I expect in a few weeks these little guys will have nice size for a King size meal. I did take the time out to watch and photograph Black Skimmers and Common Terns that were in the area. I should have taken the scope with me to do a sea watch, but I opted not since we had other gear to carry. Next time I will, just in never knows what one might see on the horizon.


  1. What - you had too much to carry???? I can't picture it!

  2. Ha, Ha...wise gal:) You got an idea how heavy that knapsack that I carry around. Well, I was carrying that + the seining gear and wearing waders. Yes, I know...crazy, but it is the sacrifice we must make.
