Some of the early birding paparazzi lining up to get a glimpse. |
No, there is no typo in the title. Indeed, a
Hermit Warbler was found and confirmed at
Sunken Meadow State Park Long Island NY. The bird was found by Vinny Pellegrino, who was also involved in another good warbler find. A
Yellow-throated Warbler, found earlier in the year in the same area. Today's find was a terrific one by Vinny who immediately reached out to other birders including, Norm Klien and Shai Mitra and thus the identity of the bird was eventually nailed down. I was at Jones Beach again looking to do some Gull studies and for a look at the
Jones Beach Shrike (more on the Shrike in another post). When I received a call from my friend Joan Quinlan who happened to be with Shai and Pat Lindsay. Within minutes I was heading down the highway towards
Sunken Meadow followed by friends Steve Walters and Andy Guthrie who were in the vicinity of the Shrike and had gotten the message about the Warbler. We all got there in good time and enjoyed really excellent views from a very cooperative
Hermit Warbler. My hope, is that the bird sticks around for others to see it. If accepted by
NYSARC (New York State Avian Records Committee), this will be a state first for NY. According to many of the older birders present today, there was a possible
Hermit Warbler sighting in 2002 at
Jones Beach, but it was not accepted by the records committee because the subject was believed to be a hybrid bird. From today's, discussion with many of the seasoned birders, it appears the
Sunken Meadow bird does not have such an issue. Here are some of my photos from today.
Sunken Meadow State Park,
Hermit Warbler
You got some great looks and great photos!
@Hilke Breder - Thank you. The bird was a very cooperative one and I hope that those who go to see it respect its space.
Superb catch Andrew
This little Bird is on the wrong side of our continent according to the books I have here. He must of taken the wrong plane...
Thanks for sharing
great photos! It looks like it turns yellow when it blushes :-)
Your photos are getting better and better.
Your photos are getting better and better.
@Debbie - Hi Debbie, thank you. I saw your post today indicating you got the Hermit Warbler. Glad you got it!!!
@MikeyBoy50 and @dreamfalcon - thanks guys. Neat little guy to have shown up on Long Island. Glad I got to see this bird, much less get some photos :)
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